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Potent Benefits Of Nigerian Pear (Ube) | African2nice Tv

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Find out the Potent Benefits Of Nigerian Pear (Ube) – African 2nice African Herb Tips publications for Potent Benefits Of Nigerian Pear (Ube).

The Nigerian pear, also known as African pear or Ube in the southeastern part of Nigeria, is a delectable fruit originating from West Africa. It is often enjoyed with roasted or cooked corn.

Nigerian pear is a rich source of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, fixed oil, and crude fibre. It also contains moderate levels of essential minerals such as potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Furthermore, Nigerian pears are abundant in fatty acids, including palmitic acids, oleic acids, and linoleic acids.

For those watching their calorie intake, Nigerian pear contains approximately 40.3 calories per 100 grams. Its amino acid profile indicates a high content of essential amino acids like Lysine, Phenylalanine, Leucine, and Isoleucine.

In addition to these nutrients, Nigerian pear contains various chemical compounds such as terpenes, flavonoids, oxalates, tannins, alkaloids, and saponins, contributing to its health benefits.

Scientifically, it is called Dacryodes Edulis, and aside from its deliciousness, it offers various health benefits. Let’s explore its nutritional content and health advantages.

Health Benefits of Nigerian Pear (Ube)

1. Promotes Skin Health and Combats Skin Diseases:

Nigerian pear contains fibre, vitamins (B6, thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, and vitamin C), and minerals (potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, and phosphorus) that contribute to glowing and younger-looking skin. Fibre eliminates yeast and fungus, reducing acne and rashes. Folic acid removes toxins and enhances skin firmness. Pantothenate combats acne and speeds up wound healing.


9 Potent Benefits Of Nigerian Pear (Ube) -

2. Used in Treating Various Ailments:

Nigerian pear is employed in treating ailments like mouthwash, sickle cell disease, malaria, arthritis, wounds, skin diseases, ringworm, dysentery, fever, and more. Treatment methods vary based on the ailment.

3. Promotes Healthy Pregnancy:

Nigerian pear’s folate content, specifically folic acid, is essential during pregnancy. It aids in creating new cells, and DNA production, and prevents birth defects like Spina bifida, Encephalocele, and Anencephaly.

4. Lowers High Blood Pressure:

Nigerian pear contains potassium, which balances salt effects, reducing high blood pressure and the risk of stroke. Consuming 4-7 portions daily can improve overall well-being.

5. Promotes Healthy Oral Health:

Nigerian pear’s antimicrobial properties are used in toothpaste and combat bacteria-causing mouth odour and tooth decay. Increased pear consumption aids in recovery from these conditions.

6. Cleanses the Body System:

Nigerian pear’s antioxidants remove unnecessary organisms, prevent diseases, and inhibit molecular oxidation, improving overall well-being.

7. Helps in Treating Eye Problems:

Nigerian pear provides essential Vitamin C, enhancing eye health, and protecting against cataracts and vision loss.

8. Antioxidants and Antimicrobial Properties:

Nigerian pear contains powerful antioxidants that ward off free radicals and effective antimicrobial properties that prevent diseases.

9. Weight Loss:

Nigerian pear is not fattening and contains healthy lipids and good cholesterol. Its calorie content is moderate, making it suitable for a balanced diet.

How to Enjoy Nigerian Pear

Preparing Nigerian pear is simple and convenient. You can soften it by placing it in hot water for a few minutes or by boiling it briefly. The softened pulp becomes creamy and can be consumed raw. Roasting is another option, but keep in mind that the seed is not edible.


9 Potent Benefits Of Nigerian Pear (Ube) -


In Nigeria, people often enjoy roasted pear alongside roasted or boiled corn for a satisfying snack.

For a unique twist, you can use the pear’s fleshy pulp as a tasty substitute for butter or margarine to spread on bread. Additionally, Nigerian pear pairs well with various dishes such as rice, salad, yam, boiled plantain, and roasted yam, adding a delightful flavour to your meals.

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